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The Signature of the Celestial Spheres The program 2.1
The trial version can be activated fully. All the functions are enabled by the licence. On request, for an additional fee of 7 GBP / 8 Euro / 9 USD, a CD can be provided which also contains the same trial version which can be licenced and thereby activated.
Licence prices:
(including free updates for 3 years):
– Single-user version (A): from 25 GBP / 29 Euro / 32 USD (depending on your income), only for private use or for internal use in a company or an institution.
25 GBP / 29 Euro / 32 USD: for those with low income
42 GBP / 49 Euro / 56 USD: for those with medium income
59 GBP / 69 Euro / 79 USD: for those with high income
Please bear in mind that the development of this program took years and that we do not receive any public support or other sponsorship.
10% will be donated to charity (refugee aid, environmental projects).
– Educational version (S): 69 GBP / 75 Euro / 85 USD, for educational purposes in schools and universities.
– Full Version (V): for public demonstrations or commercial use: Price on request, depending on the nature and scope of the intended use.
Discounts for multiaccess licence:
2 to 4 licences: 25%
5 to 9 licences: 35%
10 to 24 licences: 50%
25 to 49 licences: 60%
50 to 99 licences: 65%
over 99 licences: 75%